Do you want your music, video or event on From the O-H?

So check it out.  We're a site catered to showcasing entertainment.  So if you have material, we want it BUT please read and follow the submission guidelines!  Send content to:

info [at] FromtheOH [dot] com

Music Submission Guidelines

  • The subject of your email should start with “Music Submission:” and include artist name and song, mixtape or album title.

  • The body of the email should include artist name, song title, as well as producer info

  • DO NOT ATTACH song files. Please attach music links i.e. Audio Mack, SoundCloud, BandCamp, etc.

  • Attach only high quality artwork!

  • Please include relevant information about the artist (brief bio, hometown, etc.) that you would like included. Provide website information and social media links i.e. IG, Twitter, etc.

Video Submission Guidelines

  • The subject of your email should start with “Video Submission:” and include artist name and song title.

  • The body of the email should Include artist name, song title, as well as producer info

  • Please attach video links i.e. Vimeo, Youtube, VEVO, etc.

  • Attach only high quality artwork!

  • Please include relevant information about the artist (brief bio, hometown, etc.) that you would like included. Provide website information and social media links i.e. IG, Twitter, etc.

Event Submission Guidelines

  • The subject of your email should start with “Event Submission:” and include name and type of event

  • Include name, location, date and time

  • Attach only high quality artwork!

  • Please include relevant information about the event (event, cost, attire, etc.) that you would like included. Provide website information and social media links i.e. IG, Twitter, etc.


NOTE: All submissions will be posted at the sole discretion of From the O-H.